sof week – AIS Home | Assured Information Security Thu, 08 Jun 2023 19:43:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sof week – AIS Home | Assured Information Security 32 32 USSOCOM Technical Experimentation: Igniting Innovation and Shaping the Future Thu, 08 Jun 2023 17:11:19 +0000 ...]]>

By Adam Hovak,
Director of Trusted Systems
Two minute read

In the realm of military operations, staying ahead of the curve is crucial to maintaining a strategic advantage. The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) understands this necessity and to foster innovation and push the boundaries of technology, they organize Technical Experimentation events. These events bring together military personnel, engineers, scientists and industry experts to explore and test cutting-edge technologies.

Our products SecureView® and Beam® were selected by USSOCOM for Technical Experimentation and our engineers are attending the event, taking place this week from June 5 through June 9. Technical Experimentation events are invitation-only and provide an opportunity for us to interact with operational personnel to determine how our technology development efforts and ideas may support or enhance SOF capability needs in all aspects of the management, handling and leveraging of the information environment.

Products Overview


SecureView is a certified cross domain access solution that enables a single computer to host multiple guest virtual machines (VMs) running at different classification levels and connected to multiple networks. It has been accredited in the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community since 2011, and is on the Unified Cross-Domain System Management Office (UCDSMO) baseline of approved solutions.


Beam is a secure remote access solution that allows users to connect to their organization no matter where their working. By enhancing the security of an existing VPN, Beam® ensures users are always, and only, connected to their corporate network.

USSOCOM Technical Experimentation is an invaluable event that propels innovation and shapes the future of special operations. By exploring emerging technologies, enhancing operational efficiency, accelerating decision-making, forging partnerships and inspiring future generations, USSOCOM remains at the forefront of military innovation. As the challenges of the modern world continue to evolve, USSOCOM’s commitment to technical experimentation ensures that forces are equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to overcome adversity and accomplish their missions with unparalleled precision and effectiveness. We’re proud to be developing technologies that support this mission as well as the mission of our customers on the front lines.

SecureView® is a registered trademark of the United States Air Force.

AIS at SOF Week Wed, 10 May 2023 16:02:20 +0000 ...]]>

By Tiffany Travis,
Business Development Lead
Two minute read

Special Operations Forces (SOF) Week is the newest expansion of the United States Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) cornerstone event, held annually in Tampa, Florida. Formerly known as the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), this event brings together thousands of attendees from more than 100 countries. This year, SOF Week is taking place from May 8-11.

I look forward to attending this conference every year as it brings together experts from the defense industry, government agencies and our partner nations to discuss the latest trends affecting the SOF community and the capabilities needed to maintain a tactical edge over our adversaries. This week, I am attending workshops and panel discussions on a variety of topics related to strategic national security issues, the latest transformational technologies and even professional development.

SOF Week is an important event for organizations like AIS because it provides a valuable opportunity to learn about the latest developments and challenges in the field, which ensures we continue to be agile with our offerings. In addition, we’re able to network with industry partners to showcase our products and services that enable our warfighters.

Learn more about our products here.
